A suicidal tendency, a complexity that overrides a Central link deficiency or is it me that reads too much philosophy?
I have toyed with the idea of what it is and why we're here, but the answers still elude me.
To consider one is clued in yet haven't got a clue of how it all begins to fit in is in my opinion a failure, if that is so and I think it could be where on Earth does that leave (poor) me?
Back to suicide the option that one takes when there's no option and that bothers me immensely.
And if complexity's the key to this life where will we all be when the systematic dismantling of everything that makes it tick, every ill that makes us sick is taken from us?
Will it and the dichotomy be rephrased put in a dictionary, will the wood become the trees that we don't see?
Thus, the observation from the observation tower tells nothing of the awful power of what the mind can do when it is bored.