did you know if you cut a single triangle into the wall and you push through the drywall and siding you can see the sun so blinding and the grass so green you thought if this is a different world you think it's not meant for me but this world on the other side has no more secrets you won't have to hide
the leaves on your side of the wall of Eyes are different they are shy leaves much to dull they have a shine but they never will show beauty extorted beauty unclaimed they dare not sparkle or be pluck in vain
in this new world the leaves are honest they show each pigment with a laugh and bleed beautiful colors that promise to last
so cut the triangle slice through the wall before the beautiful colors fall catch each leaf with a glint in your eye for these are true colors they never will die
you must come to know them now don't ask questions you don't need to know how kiss in green and a laugh of light send you away into the night
follow the trail of the heart shaped leaves if you find my home don't ever leave I give you these colors to have and to own so in the dark you won't be alone
an escape and a journey a place you don't have to earn
a citizen of Home in the garden of life and in this place there is not strife just kisses of sunlight to keep you warm into this last night