A f a s h i o n i s t a – it’s not who I am or I was, at least. Am not the girly-girl fond of hearts and flowers, nor of a stiletto and of a dress.
On groceries, (I wore) an old pair of tees and shorts. On malls, a plain shirt and maong jeans. On every day, a pair of flat footwear. Just those. Period. Just until –
A pair of Chinito eyes, on my direction, came across. I was enchanted. Captivated. And I was driven insane. I. Want. Those. To. Keep. Looking. At. Me.
So I began – A dress, I wore. Hearts and flowers, I was covered with. Stilettos, ah! They hurts! but I slipped them on, anyway.
A dress– That white heavy laced ballgown, in my dreams I began to behold. As I walk down the aisle gracefully and proudly, towards that pair of Chinito eyes.
That dress (The Dress) that I never got to wear, in my reality. Because those two Chinito eyes, to another direction, **T h e y. S h i f t e d.