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Oct 2015
You're so close
It's smothering
But my mind
It's stuttering.
You're all in my sights
You got me so weak
I don't know how to react
Realness these days is so meek.
Guilt and regret,
You got my stomach empty
And my eyes so sleepy
You got me sweatin
You have me inside wishing all I was doing was forgettin.
Man, I know you ain't a creeper,
I know you Karma's keeper
And you our ******* teacher
If things only went the way I preferred...
I think about you hard and heavy
As I try to keep my heart beat steady
But I'm just not ready
For my brain to be useless spaghetti.
You just can't do it yet
You get way too upset
Now we in this puddle of regret
How we gonna get you fixed?
You blow **** out of proportion
Make the worst assumptions
And get my heart to pumpin
All for nothin.
Chalsey Wilder
Written by
Chalsey Wilder  22/Two-Spirit/Space
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