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Oct 2015
Heaven won't let me in.
I stood at the gates and everyone just looked at me, no one came to me
No one let me I saw a few weep
The gates far to steep


Then a beautiful angel stood beside me
His eyes held a fire red
it burned my very soul
I took his Hand and we decended
I watched the sky of gold disappear and down I went.
It was dark then light
It is beautiful my smile was growing, warmth filled me.
I am home.

The devil told me I deserved nothing less than to be
To rule by his side.

Queen sounds good to me
And my king so handsome and as hard as I

Then you showed up in shackles,
The man who broke me

The devil smiled
I frowned

I must choose
you to the pit and be a Queen,
let you go let you be happy and loose the chance of eternal happiness

Here we stand my love,
Do you remember the hurt you put in me?
The pain and cold you left?
I broke so many after you just trying to heal myself and it took my life.


Once upon a time I would have saved you.
I would have given anything to keep the pain away from you

But that was long ago and since you have faded
To a distant memory


I look into you and I can see you hurt when you hurt me but you did it anyways
I see your pain now.
But I see nothing,
Feel nothing
You crushed my heart killed my soul
This is your doing, you signed your own death certificate.
Away you go my love
For I am Queen


And I rule now
I hope you hurt, I hope you have a daughter and a boy like you come along.
Written by
K603  USA
   Jesse Madison
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