The first time I saw a tree, I was amazed at how big it was, until I saw how the leaves drew shadow pictures; then I realized there was more to it
The first time I saw the night, I wondered where the sun was hiding, until I saw the stars and how my father loved them; then I realized there was more to it
The first time I saw the ocean, I wondered if the sky began at the end, until I saw ships come back from the horizon; then I realized there was more to it
The first time I saw a person sick, I wondered if they would ever get well, until I saw them smile though their ribs hurt; then I realized there was more to it
The first time I heard strange sounds, I ran because the way people looked at us, until I learned my family spoke another language; then I realized there was more to it
The first time I saw someone different, I didn't understand why he was dreaming, until I saw the hate in another man's eyes; then I realized there was more to it
The first time I saw a bomb, I was glad we had won the war, until I saw the barren land and broken refugees; then I realized there was more to it
The first time I saw a picture of a cross, I was shocked a man was nailed to it, until it was revealed why he did not save himself; then I realized there was more to it