It was a fraction of a flicker, Though it seemed so drawn out passing through each other's spiritual planes It all rushed through me, An instant in forever like time didn't mean a **** And none of the writhing pain remembered, until well and truly sobered, And not in any depth, even now in this forced reflection Writing this useless scrawl seeking a justification for our concrete separation.
No luck.
The universe won't answer
The Sands of Time keep slipping through the glass walls that dive us.
Only the deepest sleep brings the opportunity To skip amongst the stars cast away the game of hide and seek, To play joyfully our celestial kiss chasey, To catch each other in our arms, Where the empty spaces of youare filled And meld into a complete Alchemic etherial union.
But like sleep, astral dreams must end. The light of reality breaks through the window, And I know every degree of separation Our crueltly is the highest true sacrifice of our kind The highest love requires the highest trust And belief that nothing else matters But the ethereal elevation of every version of existence,
The karmic heart lessons must be learned The test must be endured
I've drawn out every awakening I've walked around in circles waiting for you Every chance I slip, Every time I see you again With these earthly eyes Feel your presence with this grounded soul, I don't want to come home But it's all in vain I'm ready to leave this test, I have to go; The stars are calling, hurry dearest love, I dont want to go Please, don't make me goto another plane without you.
This is an excerpt from my book and is copyrighted Scribblenaughts and Swoon Theories / Wound Theories