We are all so quick to fall in love because we want to be in love so badly. If we rush things instead of allowing things to unfold as they should, we are missing out on so many things. We have this idea stuck in our heads that if we do not do certain things now then they will never happen. Not everyone is meant to find the love of their life at sixteen. Some do not find their soulmate until they are well into their thirties, if not older. There is nothing wrong with that. Not everything has to happen now. If you rush things, you are missing out on moments that will never come again. STOP RUSHING! Enjoy where you are. Enjoy this very moment because this moment will never ever come again. If you are meant to be with a certain someone, it WILL happen eventually. If it turns out you and a certain someone are not meant to be, it is because the one you are meant to be with is still out there. Every heartbreak you go through is preparing you for the one you get to spend the rest of your life with. Everyone has a love story. Why rush your love story? The best love stories are the ones that are not rushed, are not forced and are not planned.
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders WRITTEN ON: October. 13, 2015 Tuesday 6:10 AM