trombones play dead jazz as zombies phone home during witching hour curfews and soccer dads in loafers, some how broke through haunted ghost tombs. the dirt, wearing wolf pants raising me errant, giving no deserved praise, in the moon light of the circled days where life controls the tides as kids surf the waves. solar senses showing sensitive minds lending lenses, deliberately shining intensive like jackolanterns enshrined in crypts prescribed a limit by times decision only the most on point physics exist when lonely kids knowing the sky's distance is just myth hacking schemes bent on ending happiness as it seems, this rent exists to hassle us remaining skeptical when it comes to syndicates of master trusts stick a curly crazy straw in the red sea slurp up all the kelp and the dead things, a young witches getting all messy. soon, a consumer's real dream in Sumer concedes hands free to a banshee bloomer fleshed out as pure steam, still streams of blood flow filth stinking like sewers smelled by cheaters spreading tricks for treats like ticks with diseases throughout suburbia disturbing macabres echoing curses reverbed from past times.
Halloween is poetic because it paganistic, capitalistic, and crazy kids dressed up in drastic outfits.