This breathe and these lungs Have been used to preach subjects I fully can't understand Like existence, cats, and why yesterday feels like today So I told a story about you It reminded me of your nails And the memories they held Each time I try to write about you my arthritis flares up My lungs cringe And my mind turns static They say there are 5 steps of grieving What about the 6th step? The times where your body stops working They never mentioned the part Where you find her spirit in everything The clouds began to shine your radiance The wind smells like you Tomorrow feels almost like home We will never get the day you left back I have been spending each moment Elaborately searching for you everywhere And I have found You never left My heart still speaks of your beauty My laughter a sliver These eyes glistening To show the elation You exhaled into my life So don't let this be a poem about you I am still unsure what that would look like But for now, I wanted to say I love you