An old friend of mine, once asked of me
to mailed, one of my ****** to him
To him, it meant a lot.
however, for me this meant that mailing
an image of my beauty was a blessing for him
but for him to display my white thong,
on his easel seems enticing at that moment in time
was I expanding his ****** collection?
Now thatβs the question
I felt my body rise, when he kiss my lips that summer
my unforgiving heart, has no pride
Its seem laughable now, however
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow a Mystery,
Today is a gift, tomorrow is a blessing,
I am now an avow woman in this matter
Using my tone in poetry.. is my theme today..
Term: Tone 00:00 A poem's tone is the attitude that its style implies. Brian Patten's 'A Blade of Grass' has a tone of sad acceptance toward the loss of childlike wonder that could have accepted the blade of grass, for example; 'The Happy Grass', by Brendan Kennelly, has instead a hopeful tone toward the prospect of peace that the grass represents, tempered by an awareness that there will be graves on which the grass will grow. Tone can shift through a poem: 'A Barred Owl', by Richard Wilbur, has a first stanza with a comforting, domestic tone, and a second that insists this kind of comfort plays a vicious world false. The shift in tone is part of what is enjoyable about the poem. - See more at: ... GquqG.dp