there are too many people writing about the moon tonight, too many hearts lonely from the thought of her greatness, wondering how it is possible to love something that makes you feel so small, that in comparison, renders you insignificant.
this is how it was to love you. this is how it is to still do. to look up at a sky that is too big to notice you to imagine a selfish lover as the vastness in which too much attention is granted this is how it was, this is how it has always been, this is how it is, loving you.
there are too many people staying up late tonight to watch the atmosphere unfold its secrets open-eyed anticipating some kind of beauty unfrequented, I will not be one of them.
waiting is a chore I no longer perform willingly the only galaxies I admire are those I create.
there are too many people writing about the moon tonight, and I have become one of them.