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Sep 2015

1. When I watched my favorite tv shows and movies hoping every character in love would be us one day.
2. When I started writing about you. Lyrics, poems, letters. It was all for you. I was never poetic before, but **** you gave me something to write about.
3. When I was crying outside, because my brain convinced me I didn’t deserve life and you just took one look at me about to cry, picked me up, and spun me in circles until I cried of laughter.
4. When you wiped away my tears in algebra after my best friend stabbed me so hard in the back my heart fell out of my chest.
5. When our conversations kept me wide awake, until the sun’s rays flooded my room, wondering what I was feeling. I knew I didn’t just think of you as a friend anymore.
6. When you FaceTimed me for hours after I broke to make sure I had someone to help me put myself back together. You wouldn’t let me fall apart.
7. When I couldn’t breathe after you’d surprise me by hugging me from behind at my locker or holding my waist as we walked from lunch.
8. When you called me at midnight asking if I was home, because you needed a hug. The moonlight lit up your face and the stars were nothing compared to your eyes.
9. When your touch set fire to my skin and your words set off explosions in my heart.
10. When she hurt you I wanted to break open her ribcage and fill it with dead flowers, because she was killing your soul.
11. When I held on to you. Even when you loved her after she tried to break you.
12. When I defended our friend to her boyfriend and he cussed me out and you told him that you’d break open your knuckles into his face if he ever talked to me like that.
13. When your brother was driving crazy to be silly and you told him he could drive like that with you in the car, but never with me.
14. When your smile made me feel alive, and your tears made me feel dead inside.
15. When your happiness became so important I felt it override mine.
16. When you told me you needed to leave and I agreed so you could find what you were looking for - I knew it wasn’t me.
17. When I told you to fight for her. Fight until it either works out or you realize she isn’t worth fighting for anymore.
18. When I saw your flaws.
19.When you saw my flaws.
20. When you said, “Love you,” and I said, “Love you too, buddy.”
21. When I realized I loved you over 20 different times, but didn’t say a word because I knew I wasn’t the one who made you happy.

—  When I knew I loved you. (All 21 times)
Written by
chris  21/F/tokyo
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