She is descended from strong women. Bronze women. Stone matriarchs. Pioneers. Immigrants. Fighters. Hand in the earth, sun on the brow, salt in the sweat, beautiful strong women. Her ancestors rode ships to new horizons. Forging destiny for their children's children by riding waves to new lands. Her grandparents tilled earth. Beat back the scorching sun and grew life in rows. They sowed a future like seeds for their children. Her mother provided. Giving hands full with life wielding cast iron pots like weapons. Fighting back hunger and want. She kept full bellies so her daughter might have a full future. She. She has given her life to loving her family. And has been lifelong devoted to that endeavor. Never failing a step. She has walked through foreign shores, trailer parks, brand new hearts, and broken cycles. She has cobbled together Christmases, shattered hopes, family meals, lunch money, and hope.
She is tested. She has walked the path of her ancestors. She is a Pioneer. A tiller. A provider. A fighter. A warrior.
She is my mother.
And she will beat cancer.
I figured I'd let you all know why I have been gone for so long. This is why. She is doing fine. Thank you for reading.