… … … see, im struggling to even write poetry these days. everything is like taking a deep breath only to find out that you’ve actually been trapped inside a void and there’s nothing in your lungs and nothing to exhale. id like to think that i still have my good days and really, i do, its just that they get kind of fuzzy when im stuck in afternoon sunlight wondering what happened to all the people that are usually around me. i feel like a ghost in my own home and driving ten over the speed limit doesnt even make the bitter black box in my chest beat, so maybe ill push fifteen-- and suddenly, im going fifty-five in a thirty-five zone because maybe itll make me feel alive knowing how fast im going away from the buildings that makes me feel like a ghost, like im drifting. maybe the less i eat the better ill feel, but either way theres some kind of guilt weighing me down, cement blocks tossed into a lake. i cut my hair to lighten up, and its been at least three weeks since i wrote a bad space metaphor about a boy with a galaxy smile and, ****. there goes that, restart the count. fifty-five miles per hour away from memories that my mind twists into negativity at eleven-- both evening and morning, really. fifty-five miles per hour away from the people that might just make me feel alive again, but fifty-five miles per hour away from the places that thin me out until im nothing more than a cartoon ghost outline, running from pac man.