We hang on for dear life when the hanging brings us nothing but strife, it's the zone that we know a comfort, a place to go when we don't want to go so we hang on.
I have hung on each rung of the ladder and have sung a hymn to the grimness of what passed as some pleasure and then I have dropped.
Dear life has a limit, a quick flash and we dim it, but we all want to be in it and the hanging is a part of the package.
Being cursed, being well versed in the luxury of nothing to do I did nothing, was less, made my share of the mess I was in, hung on sung on, now bring on the rest.
If the test was in the being in the doing and the seeing I believe I have passed beyond what classes as half way and in another zone where I call it home where I go because I want to, when the mood takes me and where this life leads me is as much a mystery as it ever was.