Have you ever tried to hold close somebody who is crying? You're so uncomfortable to offer the impersonal tissue or the personal handkerchief so you extend your hand, and shoulder, and chest for it's right atop your heart.
Soon there is snort on your shirt you just don't know of from all the wet. What's on your shirt is absorbed by your cloth and is dispersed by its fabric. There it finds contact with your skin that is replete with pores that run very deep but aren't armoured with the right toxins.
It stings- first sign of assault. You deny- first step to acceptance. Your insides have all it takes to reach out. So they do. And you, have traded iron for rust. A binging blood can't tell that.
Your systems turning against you was just the first strand of the crosshairs as you wrapped around me. Salty fluid shards of me, inconspicuously stabbing into you.