A thousand fairies were dancing all through this one particular night. Hanging moonbeams and ribbons on an Oak Tree in pretty bows making sure they were tight.
There were white ribbons, pink and blue all of which were dancing in the breeze. Fairies everywhere, flitting in and out dodging the acorns and little lemon leaves.
All but one fairy, who stood rigid and very still Reflecting on her life for a brief moment then lost her footing slowly and surely and then began the roll downhill
She was rolling trapped in a fast spin collecting buttercups in her hair finally she came to an sudden halt she found herself in a lacy, white square.
"Oh what have we here, dreams do come true" thought the long legged, hairy spider "And look, she has flowers in her hair, she will be known as my buttercup rider".
"She is tiny, oh so frail, the spider was entranced His heart now was awash with so much love The Lord has answered my prayer at long last this is what I have always dreamed of.
My beautiful little friend, and it is so lonely here trapped in my web of deceit and silence The fairy now came to with a look of horror "Oh little one, I do not offer you any offence"
My legs, do not be scared, they are hairy I know but they can offer you so very much I can massage you, feed you, and hold your hand all in one go, I have the sweetest of a loving touch.
I can spin you the very finest silk and make for you the finest fairy gown I will gather berries from the forest and make you the perfect crown.
Because you are my Queen and I am your King I will bring you everything, we'll never be apart Do not wince at my rather ugly exterior for inside of me beats a romantic heart.
I will worship you, everyday you will have fresh flowers I will bring you sunshine on a rainy day But the fairy was long gone by now and all she heard was the lonely scream from the spider "please stay!"