Now Alice was a very nice girl even if she had a thing about rabbets well breed like one she stood tall, very proud, on her own two feet, with slitty web toes which stuck out to the side she never would become a dancer now her hair was curly but jet black which fell over her shoulders her skin alabaster white her lips cherry red but thin and strange but nice sticky out ears which at times made her look like a fairy if for would rain like man thunderstorm ooO and she like black rabbits So that's my Alice in Blunderland.
Alice sat down lent on a tree pulled a book, from her gold and silver pocket book began to read, but as she did would hum the heat of the day did take its toll her mind slipped back and fell down the rabbet hole and as she did saw signs of the times pop up her eye did blink, did I say, brighter than the blue sea or the stars that twinkle on a starlight Coal bout sea. Her dress bloomed up she drifted for the rest of the fall in the meantime her lip turned blue full stop. period.
and like all girls became in a bad mood and the story ends for the common man as we know there nothing we can do, not even if you give up your arm the king would not be pleased at that, all the pink storks fell off there legs, fell and began to snore. a sleep, now you know why!
Alice did I say you looksiblime with all your curls that seams to curves your shoulders and I just love them sticky out ears pixy it up Mamrm.
I am sure, I have not finished with this surreal poem. Just tonight, do not want my mind to bust.
LoVe you allΒ Β P@ul. Unless I told to more think I am finished now P@ul.