Words worry me how many did I use today? Words they frighten me how many were necessary?
it seems to me most didn’t do their duty to what purpose to whom to what end said to an imagined enemy or a true friend?
I must pause to think before I sink to the abyss of the inane where words fester and stink
I must forget unwanted words delete many from my unedifying vocabulary
others I shouldn’t blame though I know deeply in my heart I was taught to use the uncomely the meaningless words words that self-glorified sugar-coated which would but diminish me reduce me to absurdity words that hate that hurt that maim that cause pain and suffering that but serve my selfish aim (now regret comes too late)
I should not be in the company of some many so-called teachers
I must break myself free from the word-killers the word-profaners the word-defilers the language nihilists who seek to destroy beauty and decency for their vainglory
how would I sleep tonight counting the number of inhumane and worthless words I spoke today?
so often I wished I were dumb to be cleansed by silence to be still to be liberated from the pollution that has infected my better self for so long so surreptitiously without my knowing
it’s past midnight now how calm are the stars and the moon in their eternal silence they speak so much to me and make such wondrous company
when I wake tomorrow would I be a new man one who has turned his back on the past that has irked and misused me?
the sage Lao-Tze in the sixth century BC wrote: he who knows does not speak he who speaks does not know.