Mum, please, I need you to listen. I'm not trying to make something out of nothing, I'm just fighting with my mind and I feel lonely. Mum, please, I do not mean to be a burden But I'm locked inside my own thoughts And I can no longer escape, For you see my depression is controlling me. Some days it is like a tiny fly The next it swallows me into its icy shadow. These days mum are the days I long to die. You say it's selfish and cowardly to want to die But please, it's not so much that I want to die, It's just I don't want to live. Mum, these days I am held prisoner inside my own bed. You say I'm just being typically lazy But I'm not trying to be. I'm just afraid that if I get up I will drown within everything I long to forget. Mum, please... Just listen to me. You say I should get out more, see my friends So I try like I know I should want to But I wish for them to cancel these plans For my anxiety torments my mind And claws at my chest. You ask where anxiety... another problem came from? Yes mum, anxiety teaming up with depression Increasing my many fears that haunt manipulate my life. They come along as if to a party Mum I am that party Only this a party I do not want to attend. At the end of the day I am tired of fighting with myself And once more depression beckons me to my bed Cradling my spent body until I once again feel numb. Mum, please this is not to do with you. You ask me why I'm too busy to stop and enjoy life But I am never truly busy I just mean I'm trying to keep distracted Because I am lonely and feel isolated. You say you cannot see where this has came from Well, mum, neither do I! You always say be more mire positive Oh how I have tried but am always reminded of things I want to forget. You've said light a candle to eliminate the dark But I'm not afraid of the dark, I'm afraid of living! Maybe this is part of the problem. Mum, please I'm begging you to listen I'm so scared that I cannot find my way back out. You say you don't know what else to do. Neither do I. I'm lost and I cannot come back. Mum, please, I just want you to be there when I need you!