You hand me a pamphlet for the heart you're selling to the mob Nobody wants it, everyone wants to show you their cool shoulder
It's beautiful to see you out on the field Your heart on the line Trying to stop the flatline from being and ending You know the stories don't end well for those like yourself It's mostly more for the father you never had For the faith you want so bad to have To forgive yourself for being too late For lasting this long without trying
Life has an edge and its knife cuts your wound open like a sore Letting out the past like a demon from the past Trying to let myself go and you let me go on Let's be friends again like we were before Innocence is not on the menu this time We are grown-ups Let's try again Let's swear again Pinky promises last until you pass on to the next life There's nobody to interpret the scent of your sweat All I know is I have what you bet You are all of me swept off my feet Let me sweep you off yours Let's give each other a chance