Sat alone in the tiny old cinema where we used to go. on rainy afternoons When we were lost in love so very long ago. Watching the old classics on the flickering silver screen. Devoid of modern technology Just sweet timeless emotions.
Bogart and Bacall kiss in the love scene as usual. The endings are all still the same. We watched this one so many times. Returning to our little flat making tea and love.
I remember when I first saw you I would stand outside your flat. In the driving rain soaked to the skin. Just to catch a glimpse of you, So beautiful so lovely. I could not think of anything else but you.
You have gone now of course. I knew even then you were beyond me. Such beauty is for the Gods Not for ordinary men like me.
My heart was broken and still is even after all this time. It remains uninhabited and will stay so for a very long while
I know I have not been able to adapt and move on quiet as I should. Yet sometimes, in the middle of a movie that we shared. I feel your hand slip into mine and for a fleeting moment all is well and I am with you once more.
I do not regret anything and would do it all over again my darling. Even knowing how badly I would be broken.
For I tried to catch the wind, and for a brief moment I held it in my hands.