Ships upon ships in a watery county Captains attempting in maneuvering their ships all from the bounty The stormy skies with wind, which Heaven was in charge The seas rocking all ships Heaven voice of lighthouses being their tip Deeper and deeper ships go in a disastrous dip The open seas being their own Sea God No voice with speech can actually say The sea wave’s move in having their way Yet the high sea waves in their sound Questionable moments in a rocky bearing bound Many ships of the past perished on the seas I seem to remember a courageous ship only known as LADY LOUISE It was a ship that did survive There was adventure and true guidance that helped the ship to strive The shortest of times What is actually kept in the mind? The seas will continue on the journey of derive The theory of seas behave under who controls A praising voice looking for that behold But Heaven above and the superiority one with the majesty name to think of A ship is mainly the craft meant for the sea But no one really knows the reason, as it is the holy one called thee Waves and seas were created beyond men’s understanding what nature can establish Seas upon seas in knowing how to ride the wave and to see beyond how the lighthouse guides It’s Heaven alone with its own special stride.