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Aug 2015

a dear friend of mine wrote this after losing
her best friend and mother, and almost immediately after,
also her beautiful voice.  as with so many things we write
during our most trying times, these profound and poignant lines
were written during her voice-less struggle.


stress tightened it's noose on me,
i couldn't say a word.

people saw my lips move...
but little could be heard;

doctors asked me, 'does it hurt?'
and followed my, 'yes!', with, 'where?'

moving my fingers to my heart,
i softly whispered... 'there!'


*by Sunshine Dixon


post script.

i am grateful to be able to write that
after an extended period without it,
Sunshine's beautiful voice was finally restored.  
i re-discovered this write while perusing through
some past correspondence and on seeing it
decided right then that it would be selfish
to not share my love for her voice
with all of you!
SE Reimer
Written by
SE Reimer  Pacific NW
(Pacific NW)   
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