beware of the word love it will haunt you like an addict parent or a missing brother
put everything aside and follow what desires you the most even if it tastes like a sour madness
and beware of them who follow love and asks for love in return for deceiving and uttering shallowness
take instructions as they have no other way other to juggle you in worst form
loneliness is not crime being lonely with people who claim to love is the worst of all
better be alone spread your wings and fly like a free spirit
we are unlucky only when we think of our bad luck but think of all the beautiful things like nature and wind birds oceans and children
they make me smile even i no longer want we are all adolescent living in a trapped minds
beware if somebody says you are beautiful your face doesn't define the nature of your beauty it is for who you are with your flaws and with your rawness imperfections
let everything fall apart if it wants and be what you want to be
follow your dreams and fly as if you know nothing else