The time we spend on Blank pages and paper Is like throwing money Into empty spaces. Minds racing and clocks ticking Pen on paper Fingers on home row keys. Scrolling and spacebars Ink and led. FOCUSED.... The next thought Is the next word Pronouns, adjectives, verbs Periods, commas, question marks. Proofreading and backspacing Fiction or fact Intensity and excitement Intelligence kicking in. All day long phrase catching All night long remembering I can do this, I can do this I will finish what I started. Brainstorming vs distractions Silence vs noises FOCUSED..... Speaking without talking The passion of your work A thousand pages A million words Pen down Typing ends. Time to rest The body and mind, It's done....but More on the way. Results, two thumbs up We think We work We spend time We fill up pages We....WE ARE WRITERS
This is something that every writer should be able to relate or anyone in a profession that requires this. This is what we do.