Sad news today After 57 years of marriage Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head are getting a divorce
(Or is that "potatoe" as George W. would say. I never pass up an oppertunity to make fun of that ridiculous *******)
Divorce must be ******* a kid
I skipped that part having never met my bio-dad
My mom was a trooper though I was a mischevious handful
I remember when i was 4 my mom was going to paint my room Well i had a different time table than her So when she was unaware i tried my hand at interior decorating
Apparently she didn't want the room carpet and all painted in blue and red splashes and handprints I got an E for effort though
Having never had a father til that point I never knew the feeling of losing one
In those days the kid automaticaly went to the mom
Having to decide is an awful thing for a child to have to do And basically they have to
I love you my little pawn Says mommy I love you my little pawn Says daddy
It must leave all 3 emotionally scarred
Sometimes marraiges just don't work out What can you do?
I can only hope they draw on their initial spark of love to handle the situation with the care that it needs
Stay together for the kids? Ultimately i think that just leads to bigger scars
Respect your loved ones Former, present and future
And for Gods sake remember to keep your childs innocence intact
Like a sack of potatoes So are the days of our lives