i.Times have became dull again. The grey decided to make the sky its home and apparently the rainbow decided to migrate south to run away from the winter in my heart.
ii.* Are you south? Can you see my colors? Will you please tell them I miss them and that if that's where they are happy then they should stay with you, because you know I can't and at least you have a part of me.
iii. I thought of asking the pigeon a favor to kindly send this to you and I didn't expect he would come, I'm sending you berries.
iv. I saw a paper boat earlier, it sank. I saw a paper plane as well, but it flew away before my hands could even touch its wings, and I thought I saw you in the water, brighter as ever, before the ripple took drag you.
v. I really don't know what I'm doing really.
vi. I received your flowers, they are beautiful. I froze them solid.
vii. I don't know how to start this so maybe this is the last of the letters. See you in my dreams.