I say I'm okay but I'm not I'll have my good days and I'll have my worst but until the day I go to bed without a feeling of dread or tears on the bed pounding in my head the inability to catch my breath I'm not okay
I won't truly be okay Until the day I can say hello without having to rehearse it or wonder if I said it too quiet or too loud if it even came out and worrying if the conversation will go past that
If the most I say about how I'm feeling is okay and you had to ask in the first place I'm probably not
If I'm more worried if you're okay than I'm probably not because until I unlearn how to pick everybody but myself up I'm not
I say I'm okay so you don't have to worry about me but I'll still cling to all the care and love you give to me because I'm still unsure if its all I get so until the day I don't feel the need for reassurance that you care for me I'm not okay
Until the day I can no longer relate to this I'm not okay but I'm working on it