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Jul 2015
'Attention!' yelled the commander,
as we fell in line one by one,
this is the tragedy we're under,
at least 'til the end of World War One.

I was shoved into the frontline
the minute I turned eighteen,
freedom and peace were never mine,
no, never mine to keep.

My simple life was never real
I was just biding my time,
as a boy my fate was sealed
and to refuse it would be a crime.

Sweetheart, did you remember,
our dreams that were to be?
Now crushed in the cold September,
the result my of signing to army.

Trenches run meters deep
all across northern France,
the home to my battered, crumbling feet,
as I take my battle stance.

In succession soldiers will perish,
across the brutal field,
the pain they will not relish,
but have to keep concealed.

The universal bloodbath,
that'll eventually take it's toll,
all searching for a triumphant path
that runs through rotten coal.

First the Triple Entente,
of Russia, France and Britain,
they had the ships and could confront
to conquer and accomplish their mission.

Then came the Triple Alliance,
yes they weren't very good with names,
it was Germany and Austria, a likely compliance,
I'd say they've got quite fair game.


Victory was widely sought,
but the war was nearly done,
hundreds and thousands of hearts are stopped,
because of the curse that is World War One.
A history assignment. Why can't all assignments be like this?
Written by
Lyra  KUL - CAL
(KUL - CAL)   
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