You might be of "a middle age" You might have "Second Hand Clothes" You Might not Have a fist full of fifties.
What makes you shine is above this... You chose the right passage....
You didn't Force on Someone Some Religion You didn't Ignore someone who was "******* their luck." You didn't preach words, rather, you handed him a hand and a lunch for a buck.
Big hearts don't have the need to look down on the still growing ones. They don't need to look away from the hearts who were the older ones. They shall stand with each other and walk.
Make changes to the world by living in harmony with one another. Not wars to force them into beliefs or for wants or for greed. We don't share pain, shoot down those who fly different then ourselves. We were released from bonds The bonds that were on our selfish prides Trophies shared on dusty shelves.
Mother Earth Shall Be Health and Happy The days shall not end nor will be put to the end By useless stereotypes, raging wars, and bored egoes of the large.
We are the true human bright hearts who want a new tomorrow.. By making today a sweet one from bright and giving light from inside us. We are a new Earth. People United together and who will not end...But Grow.