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Jul 2015
If i failed to warn you
run from me then
There is a consequence true
for sins we share with them
In cities and crowded towns
you will find demons in humans
they are unseen and abound
they will paint good bad
and make you love evil
they will say lust is cool
that frolicking in it is civil
then they will hug you
you will dress like them
loving their every style
hardly ashamed like them
and you fail to see the sign
that you are sliding away
faster than you imagine
doing the same again
vanity becomes your sin
hell your objective
held down and lost
unknowingly you worship it
confused and so burnt
does it ever come to you
that somehow you are used
for they are not seen
they leap from soul to soul
Love's divine
Written by
Love's divine  Lagos Nigeria
(Lagos Nigeria)   
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