that day time reversed its memories the interior waters were protected the autumn fruits were quiet in their sweetness some joy was scudding by leaving shy traces on the cheeks of the city
who called you? not my screams they were trapped in someone else’s purposes fear, indifference, emptiness, hate were in the middle
you were a passionate thief of glances there had been many before each time blood rushed inwards you had a secret collection of lost heads
suddenly it started my right hand started to strip you of your dreams my right ear kept the pace in the colorful space I didn’t mean to pry into the tension of your jaw saying “I am” (thinking real hard) into your frowning with your lips and the intense split growing in the middle pushing you and yourself apart the uncertainty of your feet ready to take off
it is fear dissolving my presence my skin stopped recognizing myself every inch has a voice I was disarmed I descended into yourself and you offered to me my own mystery
Picasso was watching over our shoulders to Degas’ ballerinas hinting at the lack of faith in your smile -there are so many spaces filled with non-sense, I know-
I turned into a landscape of desire with perfumed weeds there was an ocean of eyes between us wonderful images rolled over my skin what was your chest crushing?
to be or not to be engulfed still a lottery our preoedipal mothers were pointing their fingers at the horizon pain turning into more pain turning into hate turning into hope this heaviness in the middle their laughter and innuendo heavy as a tomb stone
that day never came when you had me without hello no theory convinced me to understand this centering love I feel every time your smile happens to me
dreamers never say “I’m sorry” just leave me there I'll be consumed one day