If you thought you've met the clumsiest girl you still haven't met her
No one can be as clumsy as her because no one else had accidental sprains accidental bruises accidental bumps accidental cuts like she had
You'd wonder why she's so clumsy because every moment you'd see her she has a new story that comes with a new injury and everytime she'd talk about it you'd see the perfect mixture of giggly, embarrased, and happy all at the same time
She'd smile and laugh about it and you'd be there listening being the perfect mixture of worried, frustrated, and happy all at the same time
You'd wonder at her wonderous nature of how to smile when the injury hurts Oh, how you'd wish that you could be there to tell her off and pick her up wrap up her bruises wipe of her tears but thing is she won't let you all you could do is silently wail with her for all she ever did was smile
I learned to wait through the storm She learned to dance in the rain