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Jun 2015
He did not know happiness without her
He could only be happy with her
He felt lost and lonely when she wasn’t around
He couldn’t help but smile when she was around

He loved the sound of her laugh
He loved the birth mark on her neck
He loved the way she cried softly during movies in the theater hall
He loved the sparkle that never left her eyeballs

While she,
She knew happiness even without him
She could be happy without him
She felt free and elated when he wasn’t around
A tinge of insecurity outlined her smile when he was around

She liked his voice but loved hers
She liked his honey colored hair but felt hers were better
She liked his crooked smile but could have never loved it
She liked his eyes but loved the face that was reflected from them

She never said she loved him
She always said-“We’re friends”
But as time passed
She did not act very much like one

He assumed she had fallen for him
But she hadn’t
He fell in love with her
But she didn’t

From the moment he saw her
He thought that she was the one
And it was until later
When he realized that she wasn’t

She kept saying-“We’re friends”
And he did not understand why?
As they did nothing of the sort as friends did
When he asked him she said frowning
“I do not want to be more than friends”
The answer to him seemed pretty dry

She broke up and said it was meant to be
He shouted, cried and hit an unknown street
There were many fish in the pond he thought
But none matched her elegance
She was special, he thought,
She was special, maybe, because he loved her

She adored him
She was fond of him
But with him she was just not sure
Of what she was sure with John
When he heard this he was shocked
She had never asked him to love
But he did anyways
He gave her all that he had
Even when she hadn’t asked
Now he is loathing in a corner
And she, living her life with another
I wonder whose fault is that.

~Manu M.
Manu M
Written by
Manu M
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