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Jun 2015
you're in a daze. everything around you seems to have come to a standstill. you wish life can stay at a particular time in your life forever. the clock keeps ticking. trains zoom past. birds chirping. rainfall or sunshine.

all the people around you are rushing past you. you feel them brushing arms past you, but you choose to ignore it. no, you don't want to get influenced by people around you. stop.

but not with such low energy every single day, like you just wish you could lie in bed all day.
you frantically draw circles on a piece of paper. why is it that you are unhappy with your life? you're dizzy. you wish all of this headache will stop. all the pain. you want to erase all of the pain.

you want worries and stress to go away.
dear, why don't you learn? why don't you ever learn that everything is in your hands, and you're the one who determines you own destiny?
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