Just look at her! She's so radiant and flawless! Her footsteps leave marks of perfection She walks with confidence She's not afraid to walk with her head *****,earning all mans respect She's not afraid to breathe because this air is her own! Her smile is so contagious She makes it look so effortless! Something most people couldn't do for years she does on a daily basis!
Little do they know that she leaves behind a morbid home. A place where her heart is unknown. Where punches get thrown like dice Where she walks on thin ice! Where her tears put her to sleep Where she prays to God and gives Him her soul to keep.
But before she goes out into the world she masks her face with the ashes of her soul. Because she's perished on the inside And flaunts whatever is left of her tarnished soul. She approaches the world forgetting about her pain But still holds on to the thought that each day she sees might be her last. So she smiles Yes That woman with the smile on her face.