The girl with the kite Didn't have a care She'd run on the beach With the wind in her hair She'd run up hills Lie in fields of wild flowers Gazing at the ever changing sky She would dream for hours
The girl with the kite Saw faces in the sky Angels looking down on her From clouds floating by She'd hold on so tight As her kite took flight She said she'd never let go Of her beautiful kite
The girl with the kite Would make daisy chains She'd pick clover and butter cups As she walked country lanes Life was simple Or it seemed that way The sun was always shining When she went out to play
The girl with the kite Started to grow She felt under pressure To let her kite go Demands were made For her to achieve and perform Make her way in the world Please other people and conform
The girl with the kite Felt things were going wrong It was hard growing up Then a man came along He played his guitar He brought a bouquet As he sang his sweet song Her kite drifted away
The girl with the kite Heard his sweet song turn sour His true colours were shown As the man used his power, Manipulation and aggression To clip her wings To crush her spirit To pull her strings
The girl with the kite Felt she was to blame For her bad choices She hid her shame Kept her sadness a secret Tried to make things right Trapped in her world She lost her self in the fight
The girl with the kite Wanted to die She couldn't live any more She had no kite to fly She went to the Doctor Who gave her some pills They just made her numb Didn't cure her ills
The girl with the kite Slept for a decade, or more Life went on around her Each day was a chore She had to wake from the inertia She had become bereft When she woke from the dark sleep She had nothing left
The girl with the kite Had to start anew Like a Phoenix from the ashes She knew she'd pull through She's found her kite Found a beach for it to blow Up to the angels on their clouds This time, she won't let go
The girl with the kite Is now a woman, strong and proud Content to live her life alone Independent and unbowed She flies her kite sedately Life is not a race She's free to fly it when she wants to It flies at her own pace