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Jun 2015
one scoop, made me go whoop!
the taste of yummy loopy scoop,
vanilla cream, flavor scotch
makes you want to pop and lock-
breaking it down at kidstown
the funniest kids get it down,
merry-go-round and around we go
don’t stop playing until we let go!
close to dawn, the sun is almost gone
parents don’t get that we ain't done?
until the night angels say
don’t sleep just go and play.
this we know it’s late in the day
and soon sunlight comes to lay
from light to night from the sky-
i lay my eye’s beneath the firefly
that lights up my night
so i can say goodnight...
Childhood memory. Thinking of the moment in life  that were easy.
Mr Silence
Written by
Mr Silence  122/M/Here
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