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Aug 2011
She's Gone

I looked up and there you were
you filled me up with your simple style
how could I have known that you would
steal my heart with your soft smile

time has passed things have changed
you had to leave I understand
still each and every day I look for you
I can't let go reaching for your hand

they say time heals wounds
but I don't think this hole will ever fill
the ache inside is still as strong
I will miss you forever I know I will

I still can see you as you turned away
looking back at me over your shoulder
I know you really wanted to stay
the days pass by and I just get older

I still look at pictures of you and yearn
my finger traces your face I feel the thrill
wondering how I will get by another day
she's gone now and I feel my tears spill

Gomer LePoet ....
David Nelson
Written by
David Nelson  Missouri
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