She asked me why I love writing sad poems Aren't you suppose to forget about sad things? I write sad poems to remember the feeling so I will never want to feel the heartache again I write so another can connect with my words I write for the future She asked me why I love writing poems about love I told her that love is nothing but a lipstick gone wrong It's all good until it's all used up or until you've lost it I write love poems because love doesn't exist in this world I like to make up my own kind of love The one where everyone is happy and no one gets hurt She asked me why I write about God I told her that I would like to try and spread the good news I write to let others know that someone cares I like to let them know that he will never stop loving them even if they don't believe I want them to look forward to something after death I want to give them a sense of direction and purpose That little girl died of cancer She had a journal dated that exact day I won't ever forget her I read her journal everyday like its the news She wrote in thought of me One day she was just gone and long dead Like a puff of smoke on a cigarette She told me that she wrote sad poems for me She told me that love does exist Wasn't what I had with her love? She told me that God is definitely real She's in Heaven now.