It follows my movements behind a seashell, every few steps it drops the cup over it's shoulder prolifically it shifts positions, so do I, as slight of hand.
If the secret of love is buried in his armpit, and it is, maniacally. Tho' not the kind you buy at the movies, of optimist derringers, smoking guns. Still, flight begins when the sun goes down it shifts euphemistic trees like shadow puppets into walls of passion, makes bulimia dreams of doughnut holes, something sweet craving bakery counters and bagels take up the lonesome place still ringing in our ears, my ears, placards hanging lobes of the emotionally distressed, handicapped dangle I can't move my tongue ...again. But, they still hear love whisper their name just before the dawn becomes. Sunny rising sonic boom that scatters the birds all into synchronized sign language. We strain, to hear them sing anthems over the roof tops, it makes us happy to hear every time, just one more time.