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Jun 2015
We've got it all, you know?
That sparkle swirl pull me down to the deep underground
Love like this doesn't just wash away with a heavy rain
It sinks deep into my wet wet earth and takes root in my veins
The emptiness I am left with when you pull away
Silences every known too-close to the speaker concert I have every been to
More than I could count
But only one of you
I have reduced passed feelings to that of the draw of drugs, of poison
One even was the flutter of angel wings
Broke down the walls, stormed and raged until I was it's willing partner
That love left me drowning in the darkest night of my life
It went on and on and on and on and on and on...still going
Even on the sunniest of days there is that shadow framing it's corners
You have become the sun though, replaced artificial I-am-ok's
With I-am-having-the-time-of-my-life (s)
Laughter comes easy, smiles too and all because of the sweetest of you
I want to sew you up close
Never let you go
Psychedelic children womp womping our fragile neurons through a summer that is heavy with the heat of our kisses
Your name curves around the bow of my lips and settles in the dip of my dimples
Just a whisper of what it starts with can get me going
Revving me up through the afternoon until my palm is flush with yours once more
I love you.
When the sun comes up.
When the lights go out.
When the flames rage.
When the waves die down.
I love you.
I am your peanut butter :)
Written by
Wanderer  Between Midnight and 3am
(Between Midnight and 3am)   
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