i have an itch on my heart i can't get to unless i write about you.
people say we won't always wear smiles i wonder why they think we can no longer afford them who do they think they are predicting the future like that.
i will not let myself be swept away in the winds of human nature am i not more than a rock that is weathered and shaped with time?
i have my will - to adore you, kiss you, feed your soul, wrap you in my own skin and call you home. you have yours - to make me feel valued, cherished, loved, happy, touch me in ways that no one else has God has His. - to make us happy.
and if we are His children, are we not creators, too? coaxers of smiles. forgers of forgiveness in the fires of tragedy and heartbreak. carpenters of karma. what we say and do will follow us throughout existence.
we do not have to fit the mold of the world although, you've always told me i would still be beautiful even if i was round even if i went round the continents and stayed away for a very long time
you told me i would still be your "Jenny" and i believe you
because we are creators doers masters of our fate.
i will love you until the holes in my socks stretch wide enough to be a ski mask and even in our poverty i will slip them off and go to bed with you