"Stop talking like that." "You're too young to feel that sad." "Where's your mother?" "Oh shut up, you don't have anxiety, it's just part of being your age."
**** those people. I haven't spent hours upon hours sitting with a therapist trying to get over the trauma of my childhood and the **** being flung around me, to listen to ******* like that.
I refuse to watch my mouth around people I do not respect. I'm not to young to feel. My mother is to busy with her newest husband and his spawn. Most days I'm too fearful to get out of bed because I might see people and most of the time I have to hide in my therapists bathroom because I don't want the ******* secretary to look at me.
15 isn't that young, really it's not considering kids like me grow up a lot faster than those around us. My mental illnesses are no less real than someone in their 30s. I'm human. Not a senseless animal.