A black speckled brown thrush warbles while sitting atop an old decrepit greying wooden fence post off, in the distance, stands (barely) a barn that ceased to be functional at the turn of the prior century. Faded wood, splintering, shows exposed nail heads rusty and oxidized… perfect to pull at a wayward summer dress or perhaps catch and tear the skin of the playing child lost in imagination. Brambles climb and creep up dilapidated walls giving the illusion that this manmade object sprung forth from the berry bushes as if it were mutated fruit or maybe an exposed root system. The low constant buzz of mud wasps diligently building nests in eves drowns out the sounds of jets flying overhead, the occasional tick lights gently upon untreated skin and desperately begins clawing its way to a hairy spot in a darkened area. Underneath misshapen cuts of plywood three coiled garden racers sit in the cool waiting with infinite patience for the tiny shrew or mouse youth to make a mad dash meal time comes irregular on warm May afternoons.