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May 2015
For those who chose not to see
To dig deeper inside the real me.

You will regret not giving a chance
When you see me in my winning stance

For back when my words were ignored
You will hear and tremble in fear when you walk through that door

You will wish to go back and change your view of me
But the anchor is dug too deep you feel stranded at sea

I am all around though you close your eyes often
I am what you think about when you try and sleep
I have progressed, accomplishing more feats
than a small thinker like you would ever dream of achieving.

So please,

Next time you think of how you mistreated me
I lean back and smirk about how you never caught up to me
I feel like I haven't written in forever, kicking off some dust with this on. Sorry everyone! I need to get on more. And as always, feedback and improving is what keeps me on here. If you have anything to say (improvement, comments, anything) please share because I value you :)
Grant Horst
Written by
Grant Horst  Wisconsin
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