I'm not mute, as far as I can tell And even then I signed the words into your skin But you signed back with one hand on my throat and the other on my hip I tried to use my jagged teeth as a fast escape But that just earned me a no (Not the no I wanted) and as I tried to say no you gripped my hair and pushed your "yes" farther down my throat apparently gaging turns you on You pushed me on a wall and my hat came off with my dignity and my sanity I kept muttering no and I didn't cry so I started laughing So you went harder grinding me on you And I said no I said no And I looked over and there was a girl sleeping I tried to speak louder But nothing could wake her from inebriated dreams till someone came in and I ran out of the room leaving my hat with my sanity
I cant finish this, and it doesn't sit right in my stomache