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May 2015
I want to run.
I want to see the dust hover between my feet and the earth as I glide over everything that matters in life.
I want my hands to catch every star in the sky and re-paint them all over the mountains.
I want the breeze to tie my hair in knots like grass dancing with its neighbors in a hurricane.
The air I breath being fresh,
rolling in my lungs like the tide.
I will take the road less traveled by.
I will dance in the darkness with the trees as my audience.
The rustle of the leaves will be my music with no tune.
I will watch the sun advance from the horizon and brighten the world, absorbing every bit of darkness.
I want to take a leap of faith, but build my wings on the way down with whatever falls with me.
I want to be lost,
but found in myself.
I want to wake up but still be in a dream.
I want to be fearless.
The monsters will never chase me again.
Their shadows won’t lurk in on the sidelines.
I will swim along the bottom of every lake,
looking up at the sun dancing across the ripples of water.
I will be the lion at the top of the mountain,
the breeze blowing my mane in my eyes,
I shall not fear.
I am the king of the jungle.
All because I want to run.
I want to run,
but where?
Where is everything that I yearn for?
I want to run
so I will
I will run with no directions
no maps
no worries
I will run.

Erin Holston---June 2014
Erin Holston
Written by
Erin Holston  Maine
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